



According to the needs of the work of the College of Food Science and Technology, with the approval of the university, in accordance with the principles of open recruitment, comprehensive assessment and merit-based recruitment, it is proposed to openly recruit one project worker. The relevant matters are announced as follows:


Employment mode: For project labor, labor contracts are signed with third-party dispatch companies.


Job description: Assist in the daily operation and management of the laboratory and other tasks.


Working location: Lingang Campus of Shanghai Ocean University.


Employment period: Two years, with natural termination at the end of the period or at the end of the project. The contract may be renewed at the end of the period on the basis of performance.

五、招聘基本条件(Requirements for recruitment)

1. 身体健康,具有良好思想政治素质,遵守国家的法律法规和学校规章制度,恪守职业道德和工作纪律,富有责任心,主观能动性强,善于沟通,具有团队合作精神;

Physical health, good ideological and political quality, abide by the laws and regulations of the country and the rules and regulations of the school, abide by the professional ethics and work discipline, full of sense of responsibility, strong subjective initiative, good communication, and teamwork spirit;

2. 硕士及以上学历毕业生;

Graduates with Master's Degree or above;

3. 具有实验室管理经验,熟悉分子生物学、结构生物学、微生物学仪器设备者优先;

Laboratory management experience and familiarity with molecular biology, structural biology, and microbiology instrumentation preferred;

4. 具有良好英语水平,要求能够与外教流畅交流。

Have a good level of English, able to communicate fluently with foreign teachers.

六、岗位职责(Job responsibilities)

1. 完成上海海洋大学食品与健康国际联合研究中心相关事务;

Completion of the affairs of the International Research Center for Food & Health. 

2. 协助实验室的日常管理和运行等工作;

Assist in the daily management and operation of the laboratory, etc;

3. 协助做好学院其它相关服务和保障工作。

Assist in other related services and guarantees of the college.

七、招聘程序(Recruitment process)

1. 报名方式:应聘者发送报名材料(简历、身份证复印件、学历学位证明、相关工作经历和经验介绍,以及其它对申请有帮助的材料)至邮箱:zh-zhang@shou.edu.cn,报名期间不接受纸质简历材料。初选入围后应聘者按通知要求另行提供书面材料;

How to apply: Candidates send application materials (resume, copy of ID card, proof of academic degree, relevant work experience and experience, as well as other materials helpful to the application) to email: zh-zhang@shou.edu.cn, paper resume materials will not be accepted during the application period. Candidates after the initial selection of the shortlisted candidates in accordance with the requirements of the notice to provide separate written materials;

2. 用人部门组织初审、面试,确定拟录用人选;

The employing department organizes preliminary examinations and interviews to determine the candidates to be hired;

3. 报人事处备案。

Reported to the Personnel Office for the record.


1. 基本工资:8000元(税前);

Base salary: 8000 yuan (before tax) ;

2. 社保费项:根据上海市相关文件规定缴纳。

Social security fee: According to the relevant documents of Shanghai.

3. 其他:根据工作表现发放一定额度的津贴。

Other: Pay a certain amount of allowance based on performance.

九、有关说明(Relevant notes)

1. 岗位说明:该岗位属于项目助理岗,试用期2个月,所签订合同年限不超过项目执行年限,但工作完表现良好者可酌情续约。

Job Description: The position is a project assistant post with a probationary period of 2 months and a contract signed for a period not exceeding the number of years of project implementation, but may be renewed at the discretion of the manager for good performance.

2. 参加人员如实填写报名材料,如有与实际情况不符,一经查实,取消其应聘资格。

Participants truthfully fill in the application materials, if there is any inconsistency with the actual situation, once verified, disqualified from applying for the job.

3. 报名截止时间:2024年6月31日。

Application deadline: June 31, 2024

4. 初选合格后将通过电子邮件或电话反馈信息。

Feedback will be provided via email or phone after the initial selection has been made.

十、联系方式(Contact details)


College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University


Contact: Mr. Zhang


E-mail: zh-zhang@shou.edu.cn


Address: No. 999, Hucheng Huan Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China, 201306